Embracing the Chill: Winter Backyard Trapping for a Pest Free Howick!

Our trailor mural by local students

As winter settles over New Zealand, there’s more than just cooler temperatures to consider. For those dedicated to conservation, it’s the perfect time to gear up for backyard trapping — an essential step in achieving a Pest Free Aotearoa.

Why the emphasis on winter, you ask? Well, let’s explore the chilly logic behind it.

First off, winter is when rats are at their most vulnerable. As temperatures drop, these invasive rodents often invade our backyard to seek warm shelter and food. By setting traps during this season, we catch them at their weakest, reducing their numbers and preventing them from wreaking havoc on our native wildlife come spring.

Moreover, the warmer summer months provide ideal conditions for rats to breed, resulting in an influx of juveniles. This population boom can have devastating effects on our ecosystems. In contrast, winter trapping disrupts breeding cycles and cuts down population growth, providing relief to our native species.

Additionally, in the scarcity of winter, rats turn their sights to alternative food sources, including our native birds. With diminished natural food supplies, our feathered friends become easy prey for these opportunistic pests. By deploying traps in our backyards, we not only protect our gardens but also safeguard the lives of our treasured avian inhabitants.

So, how can you get involved? It’s simpler than you might think. Pest Free Howick Ward provide resources, guidance, and even free trap and tunnel to help individuals and communities kickoff their trapping efforts. Join us now!

Whether you’re new to backyard trapping or an experienced hand, it’s a perfect time to discover Predator Free New Zealand’s latest trap checklist for rats and stoats. Together, let’s embrace the opportunities of winter, and work towards a Pest Free Howick.

By Nigel Zhang (Mr Tuatara)

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